Echinacea Glycerite – Alcohol Free

Echinacea angustifolia. This sweet-tasting, sugar-free liquid is extracted in pure vegetable glycerin. May assist the body’s defense system by increasing the production of white blood cells. Taken at the first signs of immune imbalance, Echinacea may prevent or lessen symptoms. Excellent for use with children, animals, and sugar- or alcohol-sensitive individuals. May reduce swelling and help repair damaged muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A superb blood cleanser.

Ingredients: Dry certified organic Echinacea angustifolia root, pure coconut leaf glycerin, and distilled water.

Caution: Some people believe it is best to not exceed 8 weeks of continuous use.

Suggested Use: Take four times daily; acute cases may take hourly.  Adults: Take 15 to 30 drops four times daily in liquid or under the tongue. 
Children: 1 to 3 drops  per 10 lbs. body weight in liquid or under the tongue. 
Animals:  see All Species Echinacea.
